Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Beating Resloutions

So it is already January 16th and I am severly slacking in my blogging but have been kicking butt at some of my resolutions for the year.

L.A. Fitness became my home away from home again this week. I am seeing my trainer for the second time today and according to my scale I have dropped 4 lbs. since my last visit there. I'm hoping I can make some huge strides with my eating healthy and getting in shape resolution. It is not the most important thing to me but definitely in my top five!

I also have started the application process for my Doctoral program at ASU. I am super pumped about it and ready to face the challenges that going back to school brings. I only see one set back to starting the program this year - it says it begins in the summer and I really want to start in the fall semester - so I'm going to do some checking and make sure I can still apply for a fall start date.

On another good note - my grandmother let me know the other day that Zeta is adjusting just fine to her new home and that makes me extremely happy. I know that it took a lot for them to agree to keep her but my grandmother says my pappaw will barely leave the house without surprising!

Short and sweet update - I will be posting more often - promise! Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!

xo- Haley

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